Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Drawing on the right side of the brain - Intro

I was reading the 83' version last night. She states herself that she's changed the order of the chapters, and developed the last ones on shadows.

But I'm sure we can figure it out, the exercises are still the same, even if she now has some new pictures, and in the end , she goes into color. We can decide about that part when we get to it.

Since we're still waiting on some books to arrive, maybe we can prepare for it.

If everyone else agrees, I'll come up with some ways to make it fun for all of us (6 so far) to do together.

To prepare, even before you get your book, here's what you could do:

Dedicate one drawing pad for the course. 8.5 x11, or similar format is best. Not too heavy paper, and not watercolor with the deep grooves. You want smooth paper.
In the book, she gives pre-start exercises, to serve as markers of how far you've moved. They are really a prerequisite, and I think they make a lot of sense.

Make sure you can be uninterrupted for about 20 minutes: no phone, no kids, no TV, no dinner on the stove, no art calling to be finished...

The first exercise is to draw a picture of your hand. Huhhh, the one you're not drawing with, that is... Whatever way it's resting on the table or your lap and that is most comfortable for you. It will take 15 minutes or so, so make sure you can stay in that position for that long. You can amend it, erase, but do it in pencil. She recommends 2B as a gentle middle-range. There is no critique or grading on your drawing. Well, not from this class anyway, I don't vouch for your inner critic, but we'll show him/her!!!!

When you're finished, make sure you date your drawing.

I'll start a folder on the site for you to post your drawings, but you really don't have to post these first ones. They will be more as a reference, to see how far you travel.

Do let me know when you receive your book.


  1. Wow-you have been busy--in between cutting wood with your chainsaw!! I have my book, so I will be drawing my hand soon.

  2. I've got my book too, although it's the '79 version.

  3. Hey there, Sox. I'm game for this and have my book -- you still planning to do it? Let me know!

  4. I have my drawing on the Right Side of the Brain - edition: My edition is the 1999 edition that was done to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first Edition of 1979. (Mine was stolen.) I also have the Workbook.
    The workbook was published in 2002. I just found it one day at Barnes & Noble. I have not seen either book lately at Barnes & Noble. Art books do not lend themselves to the Reader books so popular. When they produce the color version with illustrations, well that is when I might consider an electronic reader.
    If you go to the website there is a list of the supplies they use in workshops. http://www.drawright.com/
    Drawing, Painting/Color and Sketching Classes
    instruction by Brian Bomeisler, Betty Edwards' son
    email bb4art@gmail.com phone (917) 267-8511
    They have many classes listed for 2010.

  5. My brother, who is a professional artist (Troy Howell Studio blogspot.com) recommended I read this book...life has been busy and I have had it for three years! What I did do, in the mean time, was to take a doll making class from the Cloth and Clay Doll ning site with host Jane Des Rosier, which I discovered, to my delight, I could sculpt dolls out of both Super Sculpey and Creative Paper Clay...especially the paper clay dolls...I was hooked and transformed and since I was working in 3-D it gave me the 'hands on' ability to work with the human form and I have learned how to draw which has really surprised me! My brother has been drawing since he was 2 years old! And began his professional artist career at the young age of 17 when he began illustrating for the children's magazine 'CRICKET' and from there he moved from California to Virginia and landed an agent from New York to do the foot work for him to illustrate children's books. That was many years ago.
    Anyway, back to you post of drawing, I doubt I will ever become a full fledged artist, but at least I have learned the construction of a face via hands-on doll making from the ground up. I will interject about my brother's latest book 'The Dragon of Cripple Creek' a fantasy book about a girl who finds a dragon in a gold mine. The fantasy every young person would love to be dropped in to.
    Available on Amazon.
    Teresa in California
    Do you sell books on Etsy as I have purchased some vintage ones from someone in Canada?
